• Which cycle most affects you and your life – the menstrual cycle, the lunar cycle, or the Earth’s cycle?

    Every month we experience amazing abilities and energies that are created from the weaving together of three energy cycles – our menstrual cycle, the lunar cycle and the Earth’s seasonal cycle. We women are not the product of just one of these cycles – each cycle has its own effect on our lives and on […]

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  • ¿Por qué ayudar a otras mujeres? ¿Qué ventaja tiene para mí?

    Obtienes: Un ciclo menstrual sanado y equilibrado. Una fase pre-menstrual sanada. Un suave recorrido hacia la menopausia. Lograr tus metas y sueños sin esfuerzo. Amor. Amor propio. Felicidad. Doncellas y Hechiceras desequilibradas En el mundo moderno, los arquetipos femeninos dinámicos han dominado cómo nos comportamos y cómo pensamos. Las energías de la Doncella (arquetipo de […]

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  • “Lady” de la Luna, ¿un lugar en el mundo actual?

    En mis talleres, habitualmente empleo una palabra que es de difícil traducción en muchas lenguas. A mis estudiantes las llamo “ladies” (damas), y esta palabra tiene un precioso sentido cuando nos referimos a la femineidad auténtica. En el pasado, la palabra “lady” (dama) se usaba como título aristocrático señalando a una mujer que tenía riqueza, […]

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  • La «Lady» de la Lune – une place dans le monde d’aujourd’hui ?

    Dans mes ateliers, j’utilise souvent un terme qui peut être un peu difficile à traduire dans certaines langues. J’appelle mes étudiantes «ladies» (mes-dames), un mot qui a un beau vécu dans le féminin authentique. Dans le passé, le terme «lady» était utilisé comme titre aristocratique pour une femme qui avait de la richesse, venait d’une […]

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  • A ‘Lady’ (Senhora) da Lua – um lugar no mundo moderno?

    Nos meus Workshops eu uso um termo muitas vezes e em algumas línguas esse termo pode ser um bocadinho difícil de traduzir. Eu chamo às minhas estudantes ‘senhoras’, e esta palavra tem um lindíssimo significado de fundo na femininidade autêntica. No passado, o termo ‘senhora’ era usado como um título aristocrático para uma mulher que […]

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  • The Lady of the Moon, la Signora della Luna, ha ancora un posto nel mondo moderno?

    Nei miei seminari uso spesso una parola che in alcune lingue può essere un po’ difficile da tradurre. Chiamo le mie studentesse “ladies”, un bellissimo termine che affonda le sue radici nella femminilità autentica. In passato il termine “lady” era usato come titolo nobiliare per indicare una donna dotata di un certo status economico, proveniente […]

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  • Mjesečeva ‘Lady’ (Dama) – mjesto u suvremenom svijetu?

    Na svojim radionicama često koristim riječ koju je katkad teško prevesti na druge jezike. Svoje učenice ja nazivam ‘ladies’ (dame),  i  ta riječ ima prekrasnu povijest u autentičnom ženstvu. U prošlosti, naziv ‘lady’ odnosio se na žene iz aristokracije koje su bile imućne, dolazile iz uglednih obitelji, bilje uglađene i obrazovane. No, ‘lady’ je također  […]

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  • The ‘Lady’ of the Moon – a place in the modern world?

    In my workshops I often use a term that in some languages can be a little difficult to translate.  I call my students ‘ladies’, and this word has a beautiful background in authentic femininity. In the past, the term ‘lady’ was used as an aristocratic title for a woman who had wealth, came from a […]

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  • The ‘Lady’ of the Moon – a place in the modern world?

    In my workshops I often use a term that in some languages can be a little difficult to translate.  I call my students ‘ladies’, and this word has a beautiful background in authentic femininity. In the past, the term ‘lady’ was used as an aristocratic title for a woman who had wealth, came from a […]

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  • Perche’ aiutare le altre donne? Che vantaggio ne ricavo?!

    Ottieni: * Un ciclo mestruale dolce ed equilibrato * Una dolce fase pre-mestruale * Un viaggio delicato verso la menopausa * Una semplice realizzazione dei tuoi obiettivi e sogni * Amore * Amore per te stessa * Felicità FANCIULLE E INCANTATRICI SBILANCIATE Nel mondo moderno, gli archetipi dinamici femminili hanno dominato il nostro comportamento e […]

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  • Why help other women? What’s in it for me?!

    You get: A healed and balanced menstrual cycle. A healed pre-menstrual phase. A gentle journey to menopause. Effortless achievement of your goals and dreams. Love. Self-love. Happiness. Unbalanced Maidens and Enchantresses In the modern world, the dynamic female archetypes have dominated how we behave and the way we think. The Maiden (pre-ovulation phase archetype) energies […]

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  • Why help other women? What’s in it for me?!

    You get: A healed and balanced menstrual cycle. A healed pre-menstrual phase. A gentle journey to menopause. Effortless achievement of your goals and dreams. Love. Self-love. Happiness. Unbalanced Maidens and Enchantresses In the modern world, the dynamic female archetypes have dominated how we behave and the way we think. The Maiden (pre-ovulation phase archetype) energies […]

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  • Men and Cyclic Women

    Imagine four women. One is young, dynamic and enthusiastic. One is a little older, practical and good with people. One is mature, uninhibited and wildly creative. And the final woman is older, quiet and insightful. Each woman has her own needs, her own way of perceiving the world, her own creative energies and her own […]

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  • Avoiding burn-out and creating loving and supportive relationships

    Recently a woman said to me that she had expected that working in a community of women would be full of love and mutual support. But instead she was burnt-out from doing too much, from managing personality clashes between women, and from criticism for what she was doing without any offers of help. We modern […]

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  • The joy of the awakening Maiden energies

    The first warm sunlight touches the forest, and the snow slowly starts to melt. A single green shoot appears from under the snows. From it hangs a small white flower, like a droplet of snow, and it holds the promise of the energies to come. The energies of life start to flow slowly. It is […]

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  • News from Miranda

    2016 has been an amazing year! It has been a real joy for me to teach again in Spain, France, Italy, Brazil, Switzerland, Belgium, Colombia, Germany, USA (New York), Croatia and England. And to teach for the first time in Portugal, USA (Miami) and Ireland (Dublin). I’ve had the opportunity to meet some amazing women […]

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  • The Womb Blessing – Healing ourselves

    First woman story First Woman was washing clothes and blankets by the river when Moon Mother appeared. First Woman had a pile of blankets that the First Animals had asked her to wash as well. She was tired, but happy. Moon Mother greeted First Woman. “I’ve been watching you” she said, “and your Womb Bowl […]

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  • Dancing your cycles

    Being a woman is a dance of life. It is like being a breath – dancing with the flow of air inwards, feeling the pause of completeness within the full breath, dancing the outbreath, and then resting, empty, full of potential to fill with life once more. We are weavers as we dance, bringing together […]

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  • How to run a Worldwide Womb Blessing Group

    A short guide by Advanced Moon Mother and German Co-ordinator HeliA, with additional materials on Red Tents from Advanced Moon Mother Belinda García Reyes. In this article I would love to share some of our experiences and show how much fun it is, and how easy it is, to run a Worldwide Womb Blessing group. […]

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    I would like to personally thank you for being part of the Worldwide Womb Blessing this year. Without you sharing the details about the Worldwide Womb Blessing, running your groups and sharing the energy, the Womb Blessing would not reach so many women in the world. And every woman who joins each Worldwide Womb Blessing […]

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