Distant Female Energy Healings
Moon Mothers® ARE there to help women, and they can offer beautiful Female Energy healings at a distance!
With the spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) many therapists are unable to work. However, Moon Mothers® can offer you a number of different types of female energy healing at a distance, depending on their level of qualification.
All Moon Mothers® follow the guidelines provided by their country’s government, check these guidelines on a regular basis, and will cancel in-person appointments where necessary.
Distant Womb Healing – Female Energy Balancing
This can be offered by any level of Moon Mother®.

The Womb Healing focuses on restoring our female energies and bringing balance to our four female archetypes (Maiden, Mother, Enchantress and Crone) physically, mentally and emotionally on an everyday level. So many of us feel low in energy and detached from our female centre, and we can experience depleted or blocked archetype energies, creating physical, mental and emotional instability in our cycles each month. The Womb Healing restores our female energy levels and brings balance again.
To receive a Distant Womb Healing, simply book a time with a Moon Mother®. Your Moon Mother® will contact you in advance of the healing to check that you are ready. At the booked time, simply lie comfortably or meditate for the duration of the session. The Moon Mother® may also contact you after the session so that you can share your experiences with her.
Distant Cauldron Energizer
This can be offered by any level of Moon Mother®.

This is a lovely healing that can be done relatively quickly and is easy to receive anywhere. We all have times when our energy levels are low and, especially for modern women, the energy centre that lies over our lower belly can be depleted. This centre is the source of our female strength, empowerment, centredness, sensuality, confidence and connection to the Earth.
The Cauldron Energizer quickly fills the lower belly energy centre with energy so that we can feel revitalized and realigned with our inner strength.
To receive a Distant Cauldron Energizer, simply book a time with a Moon Mother® and then sit at the required time in meditation with your hands in a bowl position for the duration of the sending. To finish, place your hands on your heart or over your womb – or you can place one hand over your heart and one over your womb. Relax and enjoy! You can receive the Energizer anywhere, but it is always nice to create a little space in our lives, perhaps with soft music to receive this healing.
Distant Radiance Healing
This can be offered by any Level 2 or Level 3 Moon Mother®.

‘Radiance’ is a Moon Mother® symbol that brings all the energies of the rainbow softened through the Full Moon’s feminine energies. This beautiful symbol is about washing away our hardness, becoming gentler and more accepting, and bringing femininity into our lives and into the world. So many of us have our archetypes in ‘fight or flight’ mode due to modern stress. Radiance releases the stress and the fears and helps us to feel our inner beauty and femininity.
To receive a Distant Radiance Healing, simply book a time with a Moon Mother® and then sit at the required time in meditation. The Moon Mother® will contact you afterwards to share your experiences.
Distant MotherLove Healing

This can be offered by any Level 2 or Level 3 Moon Mother®.
‘MotherLove’ is a Moon Mother® symbol that brings Divine Feminine Love to all levels of our lives. It helps us to love ourselves and our archetypes. Most importantly it helps us to stop fighting our cycles and our body so that our body and cycle can relax, stop fighting back by displaying symptoms, and bring us into a loving and accepting relationship with them. It also helps us to open our hearts to love and to feel the unconditional love of the Divine Mother.
To receive a Distant MotherLove Healing, simply book a time with a Moon Mother® and then sit at the required time in meditation. The Moon Mother® will contact you afterwards to share your experiences.
Distant MotherPeace Healing

This can be offered by any Level 2 or Level 3 Moon Mother®.
‘MotherPeace’ is a Moon Mother® symbol about following the Flow in our lives. When we stop fighting the Flow and let go, we move easily through our lives, achieving our dreams and feeling supported in everything we do. The Flow is about releasing our fears, letting go and trusting where the Divine Feminine will take us. It is also about bringing peace to transitions – changes from one cycle phase to the next, changing from being cyclic to non-cyclic in our post-menopause years, changing job, changing circumstances or changing relationships.
At this time of challenges, MotherPeace helps us to let go and Flow with the changes and with the Divine Feminine, knowing that the outcome is for our Highest Good and in accordance with Divine Love.
To receive a Distant MotherPeace Healing, simply book a time with a Moon Mother® and then sit at the required time in meditation. The Moon Mother® will contact you afterwards to share your experiences.
Distant Female Soul Womb Healing

This can be offered by any Level 2 or Level 3 Moon Mother®.
The Female Soul Healing takes us deeper into our archetype healing, focusing not only on restoring our female energies and bringing balance to the expression of our four female archetypes in the body and in everyday life but also on restoring our energies at the level of love, connection and relationships and at the level of perception and spiritual connection.
This healing can be described as ‘coming home’, as we bring ourselves back into balance at a deeper level so that we can face the turmoil of the outer world with more centredness, calm, love, strength and inner knowing.
To receive a Distant Female Soul Healing, simply book a time with a Moon Mother® and then lie comfortably at the required time in meditation. The Moon Mother® will contact you afterwards to share your experiences.
Womb Blessing Mentoring

This can be offered by any Level 2 or Level 3 Moon Mother® Mentors.
The Womb Blessing Mentoring is a unique menstrual cycle coaching tailored to your energies and to the way you are living your life. Using the Level 2 Womb Healing to gain a ‘snapshot’ of your energies, the Moon Mother® Mentor not only gives you the beautiful benefits of the Womb Healing but also co-creates with the individual activities that fit in with your lifestyle to support your depleted or blocked female archetypes so that you do not block or deplete them again. In this way you will support your cycle, bringing more balance to your life, more energy and more wellbeing. And most importantly, when you know which archetypes you are not supporting you can make small changes to your lifestyle to keep them vibrant and actively part of your amazing female life!
To receive a Distant Womb Blessing® Mentoring, simply book a time with a Moon Mother®. Your Moon Mother® will contact you in advance of the healing to check that you are ready. At the booked time, simply lie comfortably or meditate for the duration of the session. The Moon Mother® will contact you after the healing session to start the mentoring. The mentoring is most effective when received monthly over three or four months or longer.
Archetype Womb Energizers

This can be offered by Level 3 Moon Mothers®.
Archetype Energizers are a unique way to bring the power and energy of specific female archetypes into your body, energy and life. When we are low in an archetype’s energies we can find that the other archetypes become domineering and out of balance. For example, if we are low in the Mother Archetype energies then the Maiden Archetype can become dominant, creating a high ego, lots of personal projects and a lack of empathy and people skills.
We can also use the Archetype Womb Energizers to bring specific energies and qualities into our lives:
- Maiden / Dynamic Woman Energizer – for motivation, purification and new energy.
- Mother / Loving Woman Energizer – for love, opening and nourishment.
- Enchantress / Wild Woman Energizer – for freedom, clearing and intuition.
- Crone / Wise Woman Energizer – for peace, grounding and acceptance.
To receive an Archetype Energizer, simply book a time with a Moon Mother® and tell her which one or two Energizers you would like. If you are unsure, she can guide you to which Energizers she feels would help you the most. Your Moon Mother® will contact you in advance of the healing to check that you are ready. At the booked time, simply sit comfortably or meditate with your hands in a bowl position for the duration of the session. The Moon Mother® will contact you after the healing session to share your experiences.