Dark Moon online workshop
Dark Moon – The Crone in menstruation and post-menopause
This workshop is for all women who wish to meet and understand the energies of the Crone in their cycles and in their lives
The Crone is not frightening, she is just misunderstood.
Whether you are in the early stage of adulthood or you are post-menopause you experience the calling of the Crone to enter her labyrinth and to meet her at its heart.
In this workshop we will listen to her call and walk the labyrinth steps to understand the Crone’s love and her gifts that lie in menstruation, in the menstrual cycle, and in the elder stage of life.
You do not need a cycle or a womb to take part in this workshop.
This online workshop is a beautiful opportunity for more women worldwide to:
- meet international women’s teacher, originator of the Worldwide Womb Blessing®, and women’s author Miranda Gray.
- receive a group Crone Blessing from Miranda.
- learn the secrets of the Crone at menstruation and in the later stages of life.
- understand the loving support the Crone offers throughout your life.
In the workshop you will take part in:
- A beautiful and loving Blessing from the Crone for personal development and personal healing.
- Meeting the Crone through meditation.
You will learn about:
- The Crone in the world around us.
- The Crone’s role in the menstrual cycle and the gifts she brings all phases.
- The journey from the Enchantress stage of life to the Crone stage of life, and re-imagining the restricting modern view of old age.
You will be emailed after the workshop:
- A workshop hand-out provided as a pdf, either in English or in the translation language of the workshop.
- A ‘Dark Moon’ attendance certificate provided as a pdf.
For dates, cost, availability, and what you need to take part, please contact the local Organizers in each country.