Moon Maiden online workshop
Starting a deeper path of female energy development and healing
- for personal growth and spiritual connection
- to prepare for becoming a Moon Mother®
This online workshop is a unique opportunity for more women worldwide to
- meet international women’s teacher, originator of the Worldwide Womb Blessing® and women’s author Miranda Gray
- receive a personal ‘live’ MotherLight initiation from Miranda
- take part in three meditations with Miranda
- hear her speak on the four female archetypes
Miranda has also created a unique Workbook for you to work on your female energy awakening in the month after the Maiden Level initiation.
This workshop is for all women who wish to take the first step on a beautiful and profound path of female spirituality and personal growth and healing.
Whether you wish to grow and heal your own female energies, are intending to become a Moon Mother®, or are just thinking of perhaps becoming a Moon Mother® in the future, this workshop enables you to open more fully to the Love and Light of the Divine Feminine, to feel her energy inside you and in your life, and to bring healing and awakening to the four female archetypes that lie within you.
A path of personal development:
The Maiden Level MotherLight initiation, which is the focus of this workshop, awakens your sacred female energies, raises your vibration, and connects you to the MotherLight so that you may grow in your female energies of love, joy, freedom, completeness, creativity, sensuality, intuition and strength. It also connects your womb and your cycle through love and light to the Earth and the Moon.
This initiation answers a call in your heart and womb and soul, to embrace the full female energies of your true self and to start a path of growing and expressing your authentic femininity in the world.
A path towards becoming a Moon Mother®:
For those who wish to become Moon Mothers®, this initiation is a beautiful opportunity to start experiencing the higher level of MotherLight energy and to begin to walk the path of female development that takes you to the role and service of a Moon Mother®.
Working with the MotherLight energy and experiencing your personal changes and healing in advance of the Level 1 Moon Mother® workshop enables you to flow more quickly, easily and confidently into the role of Moon Mother®. Some Moon Mothers® can take over a year to finish their personal energy changes before giving Womb Blessings®.
This workshop will help you to move more quickly on your Moon Mother® path.
In the workshop you will take part in:
- Initiation into the Maiden Level of MotherLight energy for personal development and personal healing.
- Two self-healing meditations.
- A journey through the female archetypes.
You will learn about:
- The MotherLight energy, the importance of the womb and the Womb Blessing® Meditation.
- The menstrual cycle and the four female archetypes – information that is based on 30 years of experience and is the core teaching to Miranda’s work.
- The background to the Worldwide Womb Blessing®, and the path of being a Moon Mother®.
You will be emailed after the workshop:
- A 20+ page workbook provided as a pdf, either in English or in the translation language of the workshop.
- A ‘Moon Maiden’ certificate provided as a pdf.
Please note: To become an authorised Moon Mother® – and be able to offer the Womb Blessing®, Womb Healing, distant healings and to use the Moon Mother Level 1 symbol and to send energy with Miranda in the Worldwide Womb Blessings® – you will need to attend a Level 1 Moon Mother® workshop and receive the Level 1 Moon Mother® initiation, teaching, techniques and qualification with an authorised Teacher in either an offline or an online Level 1 Moon Mother Training.
For dates, cost, availability, and what you need to take part, please contact the local Organizers in each country.