Red Moon workshops
Red Moon workshop – Discover your authentic femininity and release the sacred female energies within you.
Why do I behave and feel the way I do?
Why can’t I be what everyone expects?
Who am I?
How can I feel sacred in my femininity?
The Red Moon workshop is an introduction to who you are as a woman.
A highly experiential, personal and information-packed one-day workshop expanding on the concepts introduced by Miranda in her book ‘Red Moon’, where you will learn from Miranda how to welcome and live the beautiful gifts and energies of the menstrual cycle and walk a monthly path of harmony and female empowerment.
New to the four female archetypes and the Cyclic Woman concept? Get started immediately on improving wellbeing throughout your cycle by living in harmony with your four female archetypes.
Read the book? Now learn more, and really ground awareness of the archetypes within yourself through experiential exercises and a deep group archetype healing. Miranda also expands on the information in the book to include practical ways to connect to the archetypes, why women can find it difficult to connect, menopause, and why the Womb Blessing is important for cyclic women and menopausal women.
‘I had read Red Moon a few years ago, but in the workshop everything came together and I now really feel the information resonate in me at a deep level.’ CS, UK
‘I came just for information because I am menopausal. I am really delighted to discover I can still live a cyclic life with the archetypes. I have not lost anything but found everything!’ ET, UK
A Moon Mother? This workshop gives you the tools to keep your archetypal energies strong and balanced, and to help you to open and live the gifts that the Womb Blessing attunement offers you. The Womb Blessing is the way we awaken to our authentic femininity – Red Moon is the way we live it!
About the workshop
This is an amazing opportunity for women of all ages and with all kinds of cycles (or no cycles at all) to understand more about the unique female energies, and how to harness these. If you view your menstrual cycle as an inconvenience, this workshop can open up an entirely new approach to the unique nature of your body.
Our authentic femininity is the sacred pattern of female energies that we were born with. Sadly the stresses and expectations of the modern world, of our upbringing and of society disconnect us from this pattern.
Our feminine nature consists of four universal sacred female energies, or ‘archetypes’, and every woman embodies each of these. These energies flow through our lives with the rhythm of the Moon’s phases, with the rhythm of the seasons and of life, and also with the rhythm of our menstrual cycle.
When we connect with our sacred female energies, accept our authentic femininity and live our life in harmony with it, we achieve well-being and empowerment and feel beautiful and confident, loving and creative, sexy and spiritual, and we experience freedom from guilt!
This workshop introduces you to:
- your sacred cyclic female nature
- your four archetypes and their sexual, creative and spiritual energies
- how to interact positively with the energies of the menstrual cycle
- how to apply these energies creatively, sexually and spiritually in your life
- how to re-awaken the cyclic myths for yourself and for future generations!
Our feminine nature is meant to be lived, and this workshop also offers practical suggestions on how you can live more in harmony with your female nature and welcome the gifts and empowerment that the archetypes bring.
‘Wow it was like Miranda had a camera in my home! She knew everything about me!’ PH, Brazil
Enjoy a fun and interactive day and have the opportunity to ask Miranda questions, to hear how the Womb Blessing developed out of Red Moon and to see her artwork as she takes you on a journey around the cycle.
Leave the workshop feeling more comfortable within yourself, with a changed view of who you are, and inspired to put Miranda’s ideas and suggestions into practice.
‘An amazing day full of lots of information, laughs and practical suggestions. I can’t wait to try everything!’ MR, Spain
Who can take part?
Students need to be 18 years old or over.
All women can take part in the exercises, whether or not they have a cycle.
The workshop is highly recommended for all Moon Mothers.
Attending the workshop:
Be prepared to share!
- You do not need to have a menstrual cycle to benefit from this workshop, as you can apply all the information and practices in association with the lunar cycle.
- The workshop focuses on self-development and self-healing and is not a practitioner training workshop.
Moon Mothers
- The workshop is recommended for all Moon Mothers to have an understanding of the four archetypes and the cyclic nature of women, to help them to support their own path of awakening as well as that of other women.
- It is also highly recommended for all Moon Mothers who wish to become Advanced Moon Mother Mentors, as it creates an important realisation and experiential learning of the four archetypes, deepening their awareness and understanding of authentic femininity.