Moon Mother® Remote Practitioner workshop

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Moon Mother Remote Practitioner workshop

Distant 1-to-1 Womb Blessing® ‘fast-track’ training

For Moon Mothers at all levels

We are now at a time when the Moon Mothers of the world have grounded so much MotherLight and MotherSoul into the Earth Mother that we can now more easily connect with female energies in their higher realms. This facilitates Moon Mothers to create the energy pattern needed to send, through the presence of the Universal Mother, the Womb Blessing attunement to another woman who is not physically present.

But this Remote Practitioner workshop is more than just ‘sending the Womb Blessing at a distance’, it is the first step for Moon Mothers in opening up a new level of awareness and a new approach to working with energy by connecting to and working through the Universal Network. This a high vibrational process, and often restricted to women with many years of personal energy development. However, Miranda has structured the workshop initiation and technique so that every level of Moon Mother® can learn the same distant sending technique.

Adapted from Miranda’s own personal spiritual work and the Worldwide Womb Blessing®, you will learn a simple but powerful technique that will bring a new dimension to your Moon Mother work and to your life.

This is the first time Miranda has shared, outside of Teacher training, how she works.

‘Fast-track’ training

With the current world situation, there is an urgency to help all women – and many Moon Mothers have been very active in sending the Womb Healing, Symbol Healing etc. But now we are ready for a Distant 1-to-1 Womb Blessing and qualified Moon Mothers who are trained and authorised to be ‘Remote Practitioners’. To reflect this urgency, Miranda has created a reduced price ‘fast-track’ workshop that contains the core of the sending technique, background, and information, but without the breaks, social interaction and multiple practice sessions of a more expensive full-day workshop.

This means that this intense training is not suitable for inexperienced Moon Mothers or for those who need a gentler and slower approach to training with more time to process the energy within a workshop environment.

Workshop contents:

  • Background information on how the distant attunement works.
  • An initiation to activate the energy centres appropriate to your level of Moon Mother training and connect them to higher realms of Universal Womb Tree network to enable the sending of a distant attunement. Level 1 Moon Mothers will receive a higher realm Cauldron initiation, Level 2 Moon Mothers a Cauldron and Chalice initiation, and Level 3 Moon Mothers will receive a Cauldron, Chalice and Star initiation.
  • You will learn the connection meditation to use before the Womb Blessing meditation and the structure of a Distant Womb Blessing and timing.
  • Guidance through the technique for sending the Blessing at a distance and a practical with an empty chair.
  • Answers to practitioner questions.

After the workshop you will receive your qualification:

  • A 30+ page illustrated manual in English or in the language of the workshop.
  • A practitioner qualification certificate.
  • Listing on the Womb Blessing official website as a qualified Remote Practitioner.

Please note: This workshop is level-specific. If you take further Moon Mother training to the next higher level, you will need to repeat this workshop to receive the appropriate initiation and activation for your new level.


Miranda has a number of strong recommendations for students of all levels to help prepare them and their energies for this big change in connection and awareness.

It is recommended that students:

  • Have been active in sending the MotherLight and MotherSoul – sending in the Worldwide Womb Blessing, sending Distant Womb Healings and Symbol Healings, sending to the Online Virtual Healing Book.The more you have worked with the energy, the clearer you are as a channel and the more aware you are, and the more experienced you are in maintaining the focus required to work remotely.
  • Have taken last year’s Moonlit path one-day workshop. This workshop provides Moon Mothers of all levels with the tools needed to protect and maintain a strong energy field, something which will be important for Remote Practitioners. (You can always take the Moonlit Path workshop after the Remote Practitioner workshop).


  • Unless agreed in advance with Miranda, you must have had 3 months between your last Moon Mother initiation and the workshop.In that 3 months you need to have been practising the Womb Blessing technique – even if you have not been able to practise with a physical Receiver.
  • You need to have read and practised the 2020 Womb Blessing no-breath technique.Guidance documentation is available in the Moon Mother login areas. The Distant 1-to-1 Womb Blessing includes the 2020 technique. You may wish to book a practise session with a Moon Mother Technique Training if you are not confident in the technique.

After the workshop

After the workshop you will need to rest, eat, and relax to restore your energies after this intensive training.

Rebirth will last for one month, and in that time you are not allowed to give a Distant 1-2-1 Womb Blessing to a member of the public. You are expected to use this time to practise the meditation and the technique – not just to learn it, but to facilitate clearing and integration. Use the Moonlit Path techniques, the Self-Healing, and the Personal Cauldron Energiser to support you during the month.

For dates, cost, availability, and what you need to take part, please contact the local Organizers in each country.

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