“Four times a year, thousands of women worldwide connect to each other.
They connect to walk a path of female healing and a return to their long-forgotten authentic femininity through the Worldwide Womb Blessing® meditation”
Our invitation to all women worldwide to meet together to walk a path of female awakening – on 17th October 2024…
Register to receive a free distant Womb Blessing attunement – Female Energy Awakening from Miranda Gray and the international Moon Mothers, at one of the four different times. (Choose a time to suit your time-zone.)
12.00 (UK time)
18.00 (UK time)
24.00 (UK time)
Find out more about the Worldwide Womb Blessing®!
The Worldwide Womb Blessing®
Every Worldwide Womb Blessing is slightly different, so we walk a path throughout the year awakening different aspects of our female energies. So register for each individual Blessing – even if you’ve taken part before – so you don’t miss out!
So let’s continue the path together! Registration for the next Worldwide Womb Blessing on is now OPEN at https://wombblessing.com/register/!
Looking for a circle to share the experience? The new ‘Find a circle’ page, helps you find a circle online or offline. (Remember: the energy is free, but circle organisers might ask for a small donation to cover her expenses.)
Celebrating the awakening of women around the world!
In the light of the Moon we shine as ONE – One female light and ONE circle of sisters.
Supporting the Worldwide Womb Blessing®
A huge thank you to everyone who has made a donation to help keep the Worldwide Womb Blessing® continuing for FREE!
It is such a beautiful expression of love and gratitude for the Blessing, and I am truly very grateful.
If you would like to help, please donate here
Love and virtual hugs
Miranda xx
Taking part in the Worldwide Womb Blessing is simple and free! Find out how, step-be-step, here:
The next Worldwide Womb Blessing events:
Additional Archetype Meditations
Northern Hemisphere: Healing the Mother Ancestors Meditation
We have taken the path that leads down into the heart of the Labyrinth. Now we step into the realm of the Crone – Mother of stars, Mother of souls and of our ancestors. In her darkness, we let go of our everyday stress and we feel within her the pregnant emptiness, the light of the next cycle to come.
Southern Hemisphere: Accepting our Sexuality Meditation
The energies of the Earth have renewed, and her sexual energies are now radiating into the world in beauty and birth. Our creative energies are flowing, and it is time to welcome and enjoy the sacredness of our own creativity, fertility and sexuality and the sacredness of our female body!
For more information on the archetype meditations, see ‘Female Energy Awakening‘
Full Moon Meditations 2024
The Moon Ray Meditations: 2024
We invite you to join us in a Worldwide Full Moon Meditation on the Full Moons between each worldwide Womb Blessing during this year.
The September 2024 Moon Rays: Silver Ray Ray
For all women: This month, the Silver Ray brings us the gift of balancing our energies and gentle tranquil harmony. Bathed in this serene Ray, a natural realignment occurs, drawing us closer to the nurturing essence of the Sacred Feminine. Our energies, actions, and lives beautifully merge with her, and we can then dance our lives in partnership with the loving harmony and balance she gracefully instils within us.
For Cyclic Women: This Ray can help us to embrace our dance as the Sacred Feminine leads us through the changing tempo of our phases, and to feel the balance lying within us as we dance.
For Menopause women: This Ray can help us to realise that although our lives and perspectives and bodies are changing, there is a gentle and profound sanctuary of sacred balance and harmony lying within us.