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Worldwide Womb Blessing meditations: What to do when!

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There are a number of beautiful meditations you can do during a Worldwide Womb Blessing event to enhance your experience, to help other women in the Womb Blessing family, and to birth the wonderful energies of the Divine Feminine into the world.


The main Womb Blessing meditations:

1.Receiving the Blessing: the main meditation

The main meditation is The Womb Blessing Meditation.

This meditation is an energy-working that prepares your energies and your body to receive the Blessing energy. If you imagine that the Blessing energy is like a parcel, then the meditation is opening the door to receive the parcel. The Womb Blessing always consists of the transfer of Divine Feminine Blessing energy with the Womb Blessing meditation.

It is important that you register a chosen time for each event so that we know when you will be meditating and at the right vibration to receive the gift of Blessing energy.

Daily Practice: The Womb Blessing Meditation can also be done at any time you wish to connect to the Divine Feminine to receive her love, guidance and presence.


2. Sharing the Blessing: sharing the new vibration of the Divine Feminine

The Worldwide Womb Blessing is the method by which we bring the new vibrations of the Divine Feminine into the world.

During the Blessing every woman taking part at that specific time is part of a soul-group – a group of women whose soul patterns are connected and resonate together in some way. The time that you chose to receive your Blessing is not an accident; you are part of this group for a reason!

It is a beautiful experience for us to consciously become aware of this soul-group and to lovingly share the beautiful energy we have received with our soul-sisters, and we do this through the Sharing Meditation.

For this specific moment on Earth a soul-group has been connected not just to receive jointly the clearing of shared patterns and the awakening and transformation of the Blessing but also to together share the new female vibration with other women in their countries and to bring the vibration into the earth. For a little while you are part of a soul- group of worldwide channels who bring the Divine Feminine into the world. Even if you can only take part for a few minutes the effect is very powerful.

The Sharing Meditation guides you through how to share the energy after the Womb Blessing with your soul-group sisters.

3. Self-Healing Meditation: continuing the experience

The Womb Blessing starts a process that continues after the Blessing. The Self-Healing Meditation keeps you connected to the loving experience of the Divine Feminine between Blessings, helping you to stay within your femininity even though the outside world may make this challenging.

The meditation works with the connection to the Divine Feminine made in your Blessing, a connection which strengthens with each Blessing. It brings Her energy, love and guidance into your womb, your heart, your femininity, your creativity and your spirituality as you heal, grow and change with each Womb Blessing.

The meditation is a simple and effective self-healing technique which can be done daily – five minutes before getting out of bed, and perhaps five minutes before falling asleep. Instructions are in the Womb Blessing PDF available to download after registration for your chosen time for the next Worldwide Womb Blessing.


If you have any specific questions, you can ask your Moon Mother Country Administrator, a local Moon Mother, or a Moon Mother from any country who speaks your language. To find a Moon Mother see