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Worldwide Womb Blessing 22nd August 2021

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A message from Miranda Gray about the energy of the last Full Moon on the 22nd August 2021 Worldwide Womb Blessing.

This morning during the first Worldwide Womb Blessing the dawn washed the Land in her gentle colours, reflecting the feeling of the gentle and loving new beginnings that lie in this month’s Womb Blessing.

Every Womb Blessing – whether at a distance or in person – is a beginning. It brings new light into our lives, helping us to see with clarity who we are, our gifts and talents, and the path to express them. Each Blessing uplifts us and supports us, giving us the strength and hope to be empowered, strong, centred, and loving women in a challenging world.

Wherever we are in the world, whatever our situation or condition, the four Female Archetypes support us on every step of our journey. The light of the Moon Mother guides our way, the Moon Maiden holds our right hand and enthusiastically pulls us along, the Moon Enchantress holds our left hand helping us to find our magic in each situation, and the Moon Crone walks behind us with her protective cloak and her whispered wisdom.

So today, together under the light of the Moon, connected by our womb centres and our cycles and experiences of female energies, we step onto a new path of hope and new beginnings, to create a better life for ourselves and for others. What will you do to take the second step?

One heart.

One Womb.

In the light of the Moon, we shine as one.

Love and hugs


Please register for the next Worldwide Womb Blessing on the 20th October 2021

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