Vanessa Castro – Optimized Woman Course Facilitator

Vanessa is the first international Optimized Woman Workshop Facilitator authorised by Miranda Gray.Miranda Gray’s book ‘The Optimized Woman- Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Achieve Success and Fulfillment’ is an international best-seller, and thousands of women worldwide have read the book and attended her ‘Optimized Woman’ workshops to understand who they are as cyclic women and why this is such a powerful gift to empower themselves in their lives, their work and in their success. First published in 2009, The Optimized Woman was the first book to bring the menstrual cycle into the workplace as a work enhancement tool and Miranda brings 30 years’ personal experience as a cyclic woman and as a businesswoman to her Optimized Woman workshop.
Like Miranda Vanessa brings a wealth of business experience together with practical awareness of the principle of The Optimized Woman. Vanessa has a strong background in in business helping to create the evaluation system to rate world’s top purpose-driven organization, known as GameChangers 500. During this time, she became passionate about raising a new paradigm for working women, through honouring the unique gifts of the feminine in the business world. She is also a menstrual cycle mentor trained by Miranda, is a lunar coach for women in business (using the menstrual cycle to its best effect), an international women’s wellness workshop and retreat facilitator – and a firewalk instructor!
In February 2014 Vanessa took Miranda’s Moon Mother® Level 1 training, and in 2017 she co-led with Miranda Gray a 7-day retreat in Costa Rica based on Optimized Woman concepts.  Vanessa has been working with Miranda’s materials since 2014 and has given lectures based on The Optimized Woman in Costa Rica, Guatemala, USA, Spain and Estonia. Vanesa is also an international Moon Mother® Level 1 teacher.
Vanessa offers Optimized Woman workshops around the world in English and Spanish, or in other languages with translation. 
To contact Vanessa for more information: