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Quick Quiz: Which type of woman are you today?

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Which type of woman are you today?

Take this fun quiz to find out which type of woman you are today!

Background to the quiz: In our menstrual cycles we experience four phases which have different energies, abilities, needs, and ways of thinking, and these are represented by a female ‘archetype’. Many of us don’t really know which menstrual cycle phase we are currently experiencing, and so we don’t understand why we feel or behave in certain ways. If we know who we are, then we can use our archetype super-powers to help our lives.

This quiz is based on your experiences and how you feel, not on your biology. Answer the questions, then wait a week and answer them again to see if you have changed!

Question 1: What is your physical energy like?

A – My physical energies are increasing.

B – It’s high with good stamina

C – My physical stamina is decreasing, and I bump into things!

D – Really low.

Question 2: What is your thinking like?

A – Really great concentration and I am thinking clearly.

B – I’m good at reading emotions and creating emotional connection.

C – Sometimes thinking is okay, sometimes it is difficult and negative.

D – Very dreamy, I can’t really think of the answers to these questions!

Question 3: What are your emotions like?

A – I feel positive emotions, but I am not very empathic.

B – I am feeling very loving and caring.

C – Oh super emotional and hypersensitive!

D – I feel very accepting and forgiving, I don’t have enough energy for other emotions.

Question 4: What are your needs?

A – I want action and quick success!

B – I want to be with others and feel I am helping.

C – I want to be wild and free, or asleep and on my own!

D – I want to be asleep, or feel relaxed, comfortable, and quiet

Question 5: What are your feelings like?

A – I feel self-confident.

B – I feel loving.

C – I feel frustrated, intolerant, stressed, agitated, anxious, overwhelmed…

D – I feel spacey!

Question 6: What are your sexual energies like?

A – Great! They are increasing and fun!

B – Good and passionate and loving.

C – Sometimes super erotic, and sometimes non-existent.

D – I would rather have a massage or a cup of hot chocolate.

Question 7: What is your spirituality like?

A – I need structure, actions, and ideals.

B – I feel connected to Nature and to Divine Love.

C – I feel drawn to card oracles, psychic abilities, and magic.


All or mostly As – The Go-Getter (associated with pre-ovulation and the Maiden Archetype).

You are experiencing the amazing dynamic energies of the Go-Getter. Now is the time to get out into the world and do everything you desire! Step outside your comfort zone and start something new – you have the super-powers to make anything happen!

Work: Go for it! Also make lists and plans and start new projects.
Finances: Dream big, structure your budget, and do your research.
Love life: Have fun and enjoy your body and self-confidence!

All or mostly Bs – The Queen (associated with ovulation and the Mother Archetype).

You are experiencing the wonderful loving and abundant energies of the Queen. Enjoy your strong feelings of love, empathy, and your enhanced practical creativity. Meet up with friends, cook a lovely meal for your family, help a work colleague, and show everyone that you care about them!

Work: Be careful not to offer to do too much for others or you won’t have any energy for yourself.
Finances: You may want to buy gifts for others, be careful not to go above your budget.
Love life: Enjoy romantic and passionate dates.

All or mostly Cs – The Enchantress (associated with pre-menstruation and the Enchantress Archetype).

You are experiencing your wild Enchantress energies. You may experience highs and lows in energies, mood swings, and strong impulses – but you may also have super creative powers, heightened intuition, and super judgemental powers! Protect others and use your powers for ‘good’.

Work: On an energy high you can get lots of things done, on an energy low delegate and do simple things on your own.
Finances: Watch out for impulsive buying to try to make you feel better.
Love life: Don’t criticise your partner, but instead explore your erotic feelings!

All or mostly Ds – The Dreamer (associated with menstruation and the Crone Archetype).
You are experiencing your calm Dreamer energies. You may be feeling a little detached from the world and sleepy. You have wonderful powers of acceptance and forgiveness, and the ability to know the truth in situations. Dream of a brighter future and it will happen.

Work: You may find it difficult to be active and motivated. Work on your own at your own pace.
Finances: It may be difficult to do shopping or any financial tasks.
Love life: Ask for gentle, loving attention, and time alone.

Mostly As and Bs:

You are experiencing both Go-Getter and Queen energies, so you may be feeling dynamic and wanting to achieve, but you can also feel a little more empathy about the effect of your actions on others.

This may indicate that you are moving from your pre-ovulation phase into your ovulation phase.

Mostly Bs and Cs:

You are experiencing Queen and Enchantress energies, so you may find that although you are caring towards others, you may be a little less sociable or tolerant.

This may indicate that you are moving from your ovulation phase into your pre-menstrual phase.

Mostly Cs and Ds:

You are experiencing both Enchantress and Dreamer energies, so you may find that you have very low energies for most of the day but with occasional peaks of energy, frustration, and impulsive action.

This may indicate that you are moving from your pre-menstrual phase into your menstrual phase.


To find out more about identifying your Archetypes and using their super powers to achieve your dreams, enhance your work performance and to create wellbeing, read:

The Optimized Woman – Using your menstrual cycle to achieve success and fulfillment

La Luna Roja en el Trabajo y los Negocios 

Luna Rossa in Ufficio – Ottieni il massimo da ogni fase del ciclo mestruale per lavorare meglio e gestire i tuoi impegni quotidiani 

La Femme Optimale – Un Programme en 28 Jours pour Découvrir les Énergies Créatrices du Cycle Féminin et S’Épanouir.

A Mulher Realizada -Como Otimizar o seu Ciclo Menstrual para Alançar Sucesso e Plenitude em Todas as Áreas da sua Vida

Take the quiz again in a week’s time to see if you have changed phase and become a different woman!

Please register for the next Worldwide Womb Blessing on the 12th August 2022

This post is also available in: en hr fr it de pt-br pt-pt es