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Moon Animals at Halloween

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Halloween (or Samhain) is the northern hemisphere festival that starts the season of the Crone, where the physical and living world and the spiritual and ancestral worlds are closer to each other. This is the season of spiritual guidance and oracle. So, for the October Worldwide Womb Blessing I thought I would share with you some of the Moon Animals that feature in my oracle decks.

I first introduce the Moon Animals in my book ‘Red Moon’. They are messengers from the Moon Goddess in her expression as the Maiden, the Mother, the Enchantress, and the Crone. They bring us love and guidance, gifts of magic and opportunity, and empowerment and knowledge. They are Power Animals who live in the realms of spirit and come to us if we call. In both of my oracle decks, ‘The Beast of Albion’ (written and illustrated by me) and in ‘Red Moon – The Oracle’ (written by me and illustrated by Juliaro) you will find the Moon Animals waiting to talk to you…

The Hare card (From The Beasts of Albion)

Pre-ovulation phase card (From Red Moon – The Oracle) – Can you find the hare? (Bottom left!)

The Hare brings us messages and gifts from the Maiden Archetype. She brings us excitement and enthusiasm, wild restlessness, and a need to dance and run to the far horizon. She comes into our lives when things have been static and we need to live our passions and revive our self-belief and motivation.

The Dolphin card

Full Moon card – Can you see the dolphin in silhouette?

The Dolphin brings us messages and gifts from the Mother Archetype. She brings us love for the sensual world and deep compassion for ourselves and for others. She helps us to flow emotionally and to dance with happiness through the waves of everyday life. She comes to us when we need to feel more love and happiness.

The Wolf card

Pre-menstrual card – Notice the white wolf!

The Wolf brings us messages and gifts from the Enchantress Archetype. She brings us heightened instinct, intuition, and knowledge to guide us through life. She reminds us in our modern world to be free and wild and open to spiritual awareness. She comes into our lives when work and everyday life has disconnected us from the wisdom of the ancients and we need a deeper way of living.

The Bear card

Menstrual phase – Can you see the sleeping bear? (Bottom right!)

The Bear brings us messages and gifts from the Crone Archetype. She tells us to withdraw and rest so she can give us healing and show us dreams of our future. The bear comes into our life to tell us to sleep or to tell us that it is time to wake up, and she walks with us as our guardian in both the spirit world and the everyday world.

The Moon Animals are available to all of us, and they come from all types of ecosystems and traditions. You can simply ask them to come to you, draw a card, and feel their wisdom and energy flow through you to brighten your life. They are wonderful companions, and in the accompanying ‘Beasts of Albion’ book you can walk a meditation path of awakening called ‘The Spiral Path’. In the ‘Red Moon – the Oracle’ you can walk a monthly meditation path in alignment with your menstrual cycle or the moon’s cycle. Enjoy!

Love and hugs, Miranda x

To find out where to buy a copy of ‘The Beasts of Albion’ and ‘Red Moon – The Oracle’ decks in different languages visit:

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