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Worldwide Womb Blessing 25th May 2013

An invitation…

To all wonderful women everywhere,

I would like invite you to – a free distant Womb Blessing attunement

on the Full Moon 25th May 2013The Womb Tree

at four different times to suit world time zones.

06.00 (UK time)
12.00 (UK time)
18.00 (UK time)
24.00 (UK time)* For time zones >

Register now >

Tell your friends and family and invite them to take part with us :o)

Information about The Womb Blessing attunement is now available online in 13 different languages at . The Blessing is offered for free to all women – whatever their age. Once you have registered, you will receive a link to a download page which contains instructions on how to take part.

The Womb Blessing will take about half an hour. You do not need to be online to take part – once you have downloaded the instructions, you simply need to find a quiet place and time where you can join in the meditation and receive the energy.

Questions about the Worldwide Womb Blessing? Want to find a local group? Ask a Moon Mother Country Representative – see

A personal note from Miranda

The Womb Blessing attunement is an awakening of our female energies and the restoration of our original femininity and spirituality.

The Blessing is transforming and healing. It is a path of self-awakening and spiritual-development. It is a rite of passage – a release of the past and a journey into a new world of hope, love and strength. Each Blessing deepens our changes, raises our vibration, and connects our consciousness more deeply to our authentic female energies and spirituality. And in the worldwide event, the Blessing connects us to women around the world to give and receive love and strength and to acknowledge that we women are a single family who will bring positive change to the world through our femininity.

It is my heartfelt call to invite women to take part from every country in the world and the response from women in the last year has been amazing. At a time when the world cries out for the female energies, I invite you to take part because every woman who joins the Blessing increases the energy we receive and the energy we can give to other women and to the Earth.

I hope you will join us on the 25th May, perhaps run a group – large or small, and spread the email invitation so we can help all women to heal and awaken.

Love and hugs

Miranda :o)

Register now >

For more information:

To find a group or Moon Mother in your area >

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