The Womb Blessing® Team

Many women give freely of their time and love to support the Womb Blessing – some running local groups, some helping with enquiries in their countries, others providing social media or online information, others supporting Richard and Miranda in the admin side of a growing international women’s movement.

Many women give freely of their time and love to support the Womb Blessing – some running local groups, some helping with enquiries in their countries, others providing social media or online information, others supporting Richard and Miranda in the admin side of a growing international women’s movement.

 “I would like to thank everyone for their help. Without you there would be no Worldwide Womb Blessing or our growing community of women. I say that I am like a spark of fire, but it is the other women who are the kindling and the branches that make the spark a bonfire. I am the originator, but you are the creators.”

Miranda Gray

Our worldwide ‘International Moon Mother Admin Team’ consists of these amazing women:

Volunteer Project Mothers
International Volunteer Translators
Volunteer Artists and Graphic Designers
Volunteer Helpers
Miranda’s Personal Team

who offer for free the following:

  • The Worldwide Womb Blessing Newsletter and emails
  • The Womb Blessing website
  • Womb Blessing download materials and resources
  • Additional public resources
  • Moon Mother and Cyclic Woman workshop manuals and resources
  • Moon Mother online download resources
  • Moon Mother Admin Team Facebook Groups for technical and practitioner help
  • Public country-specific Co-ordination sharing the invitation to the Worldwide Womb Blessing, answering questions about taking part, and guiding women through their awakening to living their lives as Cyclic Women.
  • Moon Mother country-specific Co-ordination helping, supporting and encouraging Moon Mother to be active in their communities.

If you would like to join these women in spreading the awakening of women, please contact: