
You are here: The Worldwide Womb Blessing® > Blog > Articles > The additional Womb Blessing meditations: What to do when!

The additional Womb Blessing meditations: What to do when!

Each Worldwide Womb Blessing has an additional optional meditation which relates to the energies of the Earth Mother in the land where you live. These meditations are designed to help us connect with her energies in our lives, to bring healing and free expression of our beautiful and powerful feminine energies, and to celebrate the amazing women we are!

2013 saw the start of these additional meditations, and in each year we do the same meditations again to build on the vibration to further ground the healing and female energies in our lives, in the lives of other women in the Womb Blessing family and in the lives of other women around the world.

If you wish to work in harmony with the Earth Mother, choose the meditation depending on whether you live in the northern or southern hemispheres – see the tables below to help.

If you are at or near the equator, you may do either the north or south meditations.

The instructions on when and how to do each meditation are contained in the pdf that you can download from the ‘download’ page once you have registered.

You will always be reminded of which meditation to do in the ‘Worldwide Womb Blessing Newsletter’ that is sent to all members of the Womb Blessing family one month before the next Worldwide Blessing 🙂

The mediations can also be done in tune with the phases of our menstrual cycle or with the phases of the moon, see the table below for guidelines.


Sequence for the Northern hemisphere:


Earth Festival Earth Mother energies Worldwide Womb Blessing Meditation
1st February
Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Womb renewal
1st May
Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Accepting our sexual energies
1st August
Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Abundance and harvest
31st October
Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Healing our mother ancestors
21st December
Winter Solstice
Crone Nearest Full Moon December Circle of sisters


Sequence for the Southern hemisphere:


Earth Festival Earth Mother energies Worldwide Womb Blessing Meditation
1st February Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Abundance and harvest
1st May Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Healing our mother ancestors
1st August Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Womb renewal
31st October Start of
Nearest Full Moon
Accepting our sexual energies
21st December Summer Solstice Mother Nearest Full Moon December Circle of sisters

Naming our festivals:

As the earth wobbles on her axis we experience changes in the amount of sunlight we receive, and this has an effect on us, on the plants and animals around us, and on the earth herself. How she expresses herself in our seasons and in the lives of the plants and animals around us varies due to the environment. Although the Womb Blessing dates are close to the Celtic festivals, you do not have to follow these. If you live in a desert, up a mountain, or by the sea, let the plants and animals show you their expression of the seasons and create your own names or research local traditional festivals.


Balancing the World to bring harmony:

The additional meditations create a balanced flow across the Earth, with the female energies of the two hemispheres following the harmonious female cyclic flow of light to dark, and dark to light.

From the clearing Enchantress north we bow in awareness of the awakening of the Maiden energy in the earth in the southern hemisphere, acknowledging our similar dynamic energies but our different focus – the Maiden into the light and the Enchantress into the dark. We are two sides of the same energy and in our difference we find our oneness.

From the still Crone north we bow and acknowledge the fullness of the Mother energies in the southern hemisphere. We both rest, full of energy – the Crone with the potential of the Universe and the Mother pregnant with life.

From the growing Maiden north we bow in awareness of our sisters living in the growing magic of the Enchantress energies in the southern hemisphere.

From the full Mother north we bow and honour the still Crone of the southern hemisphere, whose focus is inward towards the Universe.

Every meditation reflects part of the harmonious breath of the Universal Divine Feminine – the in-breath, the hold, the out-breath, and the hold – as she breathes the cycle of the Earth and of women.

The additional meditations when done together regularly by thousands of women around the world grow in strength, setting a continuous worldwide energy pattern. This pattern makes healing more accessible not just for every woman taking part in the meditation but also for every woman in the world. Do not underestimate the energy that thousands of women taking part together in meditation with intention can create!


Monthly practice: living in harmony with the Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine is both the macro and the micro universe. Small everyday spiritual acts have powerful effects, and you can also do the meditations in harmony with the phases of your menstrual cycle or the lunar phases if you do not have a cycle. We are all one big cycle!

Menstrual cycle day Lunar phase Meditation
Beginning Maiden phase. Approximately cycle day 7 3 days after the dark moon Renewing the Womb
Beginning of Mother phase. Approximately cycle day 14. 3 days before the full moon Accepting our sexual energies
Beginning of Enchantress phase.
Approximately cycle day 21.
3 days after the full moon Abundance and harvest
Beginning of Crone phase.
First day of bleeding.
3 days before the dark of the moon Healing the ancestral line
Any time Any time Circle of sisters


For more information about the archetypal energies of Maiden, Mother, Enchantress and Crone, please see my book ‘Red Moon’