How to take part: February 2025

The Sacred Feminine Meditation Day. 
The Worldwide Womb Blessing.

To take part you will need: 

  • To download the Womb Blessing meditation
  • Two small ‘Womb Bowls’ – they can be any type of bowls or cups. 
  • Some drinking water and a small tealight.
  • A shawl or scarf to place around your head and shoulders to create a sacred space and to bring your focus into your body. 

To enhance the experience, you may like to: 

  • Play some relaxing music. 
  • Create an altar 
  • Decorate the room to reflect the Full Moon. 
  • Have a favourite snack to celebrate after your meditation.

Do the meditation with friends and family in person or online.

  • Step 1 
    At any time during the day, when you feel ready, pour a little drinking water into one of your small bowls and light a tealight and place it in the other bowl. (Make sure that the candle is safe).
  • Step 2 
    Then place your shawl over your head and shoulders. Talk a deep breath and slowly read the beautiful Womb Blessing mediation, imagining each stage and feeling the energies flow through your body.
  • Step 3 
    Sit quietly, relax and receive the beautiful moonlight energies from the Mother of the Full Moon. To have the deepest experience, we recommend that you receive for 10 – 15 minutes. 
  • Step
    To finish, take a deep breath, feel gratitude and open your eyes. 
  • Step 5
    Now celebrate the beautiful sacred female energies that flow through you!

Perhaps stretch or dance, or go outside and stand under the Full Moon. 

Slowly drink the water from your bowl as it will have absorbed the Womb Blessing energy and also enjoy the sensuality of eating your favourite snack as this will help you to ground.

Continue your sacred feminine journey of awakening and healing throughout the year.

Register for the next Sacred Feminine Meditation Day and Worldwide Womb Blessing. 

We will let you know when registration is open!