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How to grow in a female way

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How to grow in a female way

It’s a big challenge to create something in a female way in the modern masculine world. We’ve all been influenced in how to think, so we need to step back and to follow the flow if we are to grow and create as women.

The Womb Blessing is a beautiful opportunity for women to explore how to grow and flow in a female way. I use the image of a rosebush to be our community structure and inspiration, and this image allows us the freedom of organic growth – to respond to the seasons and to the flow of love and life. We can try new things, but we can also let them fall as old leaves when there is no energy sustaining them. The rosebush is not just an image for women connected worldwide by a joint passion, inspiration, and need for healing and spiritual expression. It is also an image that we can use in our everyday lives to help us to create with the seasons of our cycle and of life around us.

Imagine a rosebush; the roots are the core of the Womb Blessing Vision – to spread the Womb Blessing awakening to as many women in the world as possible. It is this core vision that grounds the rosebush.

Ask yourself: what is the core vision that grounds my life and purpose at this moment? These are your roots.

From the roots grow the main stem of the bush. In the Womb Blessing this relates to our amazing volunteers – our Volunteer Moon Circle who offer their time and talents in service. Within this circle we also have the Moon Weaver Circle, the volunteers who help with organisation.

All these volunteers support the Womb Blessing in the world.  

Ask yourself: what are my strengths and talents which can support my vision in the world?

From the stem grow multiple branches, with leaves and buds and flowers. These are all the women worldwide in the Womb Blessing community. Each woman expresses the Blessing in her life. The flowers are those who shine out, creating groups to inspire and support other women and Moon Mothers. These groups are free to grow new branches and new buds, and to blossom with their own unique beauty and creativity.

Ask yourself: where in my life can I grow unrestricted and free to express my female energies?

The rosebush grows with the seasons, and we follow this growth. It requires the patience of a gardener! We must wait through the winter when there are no leaves so that we can awaken with the energies when they reappear with the spring.

Ask yourself: am I trying to force growth and action in the wrong season? Notice your phase and your archetype. Are you flowing in tune with your energies?

Finally, the bush will sometimes grow in a direction that is not sustainable. The rosebush doesn’t get upset, it simply focuses its energy on the direction where there is nutrition and sunshine so that it can easily blossom.

Ask yourself: what am I trying to do that is not being loved and nourished?

Ask yourself: what am I doing that is flowing easily and IS being loved and nourished? Now you know your direction of growth.

We all experience an Autumn – where the energies withdraw and the leaves fall. In this energy we cut away the old growth and simply look around to see where the flow of love lies, and we follow this flow.

Ask yourself: can I let go and follow the flow of loving growth even if my head and ego desire a different direction?

Whether we have a large worldwide community or a simple project at home, we are all women who flow and women who change with the cycle of the Moon and seasons. We embody the female way of growth and creation. But our inner life and outer life need to reflect each other for there to be wholeness and balance, and happiness and fulfilment in our growth.

So, start today to follow the path of feminine growth – of following the love and life energies – and to see for yourself how this approach of female growth and creation works for you personally.


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