¡Bienvenidas al trabajo del alma del Año de la Anciana Bruja!
Para muchas de nosotras, las energías de la Hechicera del año pasado fueron desafiantes y disruptivas, especialmente en las relaciones, pero todas las disputas, las rupturas y las discusiones que experimentamos no trataban sobre la situación o la gente, sino sobre NOSOTRAS, nuestras inseguridades., nuestra falta de estar centradas, nuestra
Willkommen zur Seelen-Arbeit im Jahr der Alten Weisen!
Für viele von uns waren die Energien der Zauberin im letzten Jahr herausfordernd und zerstörerisch, – besonders in Beziehungen – aber all die Auseinandersetzungen, die Trennungen und die Streitereien, die wir erlebt haben, hatten nichts mit der Situation zu tun, oder mit den Menschen, sondern nur mit UNS – mit
Welcome to the soul-work of the Crone Year!
For many of us, last year’s Enchantress energies were challenging and disruptive – especially in relationships – but all the disputes, the break-ups, and the arguments we experienced were nothing about the situation, or the people, but all about US – our insecurities, our lack of centredness, our lack of
Huge thanks from Miranda
AN AMAZING YEAR 2018! What an amazing year! 😊 We now have almost 5,500 Moon Mothers around the world and approaching 200,000 women in the worldwide community. This year we created the new International Moon Mother Admin team to centralise technique questions and answers and updates, so we can share
Are you over-dominant in your Maiden energies? It’s time to bring balance!
Within each of us lie four female archetypes – the Maiden, the Mother, the Enchantress and the Crone. During our menstrual cycle we walk a path of embodying the energies of each of these archetypes as they each express themselves through one of the phases of the cycle. They are
The powerful female sexual energy healing behind the October Worldwide Womb Blessing
I think that the October Worldwide Womb Blessing is one of the most impactful Womb Blessings of the year. It brings healing to the sexual energies for all women around the world, but it also brings healing to the energies of women of the past, present and future. The Archetype
Welcoming the Enchantress Years – peri-menopause and post-menopause
In our lives we have four phases: The first stage is that of the Maiden – a time of change, of physical, mental and emotional change into adulthood. The second stage is the Mother – our adult stage of life, which is usually cyclic and when we stand grounded in
What is the Earth-Yoni Blessing?
The Yoni (used here as a name for both the vagina and the vulva) is a sacred shrine. It is the beautiful gateway through which energy from the Earth enters our body, the gateway through which life emerges, and through which we connect to the Earth. The Yoni links the
Cyclic Super-Woman at work!
Women do not have to do things in the same way as men – we have amazing superpowers within our cyclic nature to do tasks with a uniquely female approach that is equally successful and productive. In fact, when we look at what women have already achieved working in the
Which cycle most affects you and your life – the menstrual cycle, the lunar cycle, or the Earth’s cycle?
Every month we experience amazing abilities and energies that are created from the weaving together of three energy cycles – our menstrual cycle, the lunar cycle and the Earth’s seasonal cycle. We women are not the product of just one of these cycles – each cycle has its own effect
Avoiding burn-out and creating loving and supportive relationships
Recently a woman said to me that she had expected that working in a community of women would be full of love and mutual support. But instead she was burnt-out from doing too much, from managing personality clashes between women, and from criticism for what she was doing without any
Spring Maiden? – It’s winter!
The energies of the earth change during the year depending, on the tilt of the earth towards or away from the sun. At the winter solstice the earth starts to change her direction, and in the northern hemisphere the days start to lengthen – even if we are not aware
Spring Maiden? – It’s winter!
The energies of the earth change during the year depending, on the tilt of the earth towards or away from the sun. At the winter solstice the earth starts to change her direction, and in the northern hemisphere the days start to lengthen – even if we are not aware
¿Cuál ciclo influye más en ti y en tu vida: el ciclo menstrual, el ciclo lunar o el ciclo de la Tierra?
Cada mes experimentamos capacidades y energías asombrosas que se crean por el entramado profundo de tres ciclos de energía: nuestro ciclo menstrual, el ciclo lunar y el ciclo de estaciones de la Tierra. Percibimos el mundo a través del centro energético del útero. No existe nada en nuestras vidas que
Quale ciclo influenza maggiormente te e la tua vita – il ciclo mestruale, il ciclo lunare o il ciclo della Terra?
Ogni mese sperimentiamo abilità ed energie meravigliose, create dall’intreccio delle energie di tre cicli– il nostro ciclo mestruale, il ciclo lunare e il ciclo stagionale della Terra. Noi donne non siamo il prodotto di uno solo di questi cicli, ma di tutti – ognuno di loro ha il suo particolare
Quel cycle a le plus d’influence sur vous et votre vie : le cycle menstruel, le cycle de la lune, ou le cycle de la Terre ?
Chaque mois nous expérimentons des aptitudes et des énergies incroyables, issues du tissage de trois cycles d’énergie : notre cycle menstruel, le cycle de la lune et le cycle des saisons de la Terre. Nous autres femmes ne sommes pas le produit d’un seul de ces cycles ; chacun de ces cycles
Qual ciclo afeta mais você e sua vida – o ciclo menstrual, o ciclo lunar ou o ciclo da Terra?
Todos os meses, nós experimentamos capacidades e energias incríveis que são criadas do tecido formado por três ciclos de energia – nosso ciclo menstrual, o ciclo lunar e o ciclo sazonal da Terra. Nós, mulheres, não somos o produto de apenas um desses ciclos – cada ciclo tem seu próprio
Qual o ciclo que a afeta mais a si e à sua vida – o ciclo menstrual, o ciclo lunar, ou o ciclo da Terra?
Todos os meses nós experienciamos habilidades e energias incríveis que são criadas pela tecelagem conjunta destes três ciclos de energia – o nosso ciclo menstrual, o ciclo lunar e o ciclo sazonal da Terra. As mulheres não são o produto de apenas um destes ciclos – cada ciclo tem o
Welcher Zyklus hat den größten Einfluss auf dich und diene Leben – der Menstruationszyklus, der Mondzyklus oder der Zyklus der Erde?
Jeden Monat erleben wir erstaunliche Fähigkeiten und Energien, die aus dem Verweben von drei Energiezyklen erschaffen wurden – unserem Menstruationszyklus, dem Mondzyklus und dem Zyklus de rErde. Wir Frauen sind nicht das Ergebnis aus einem dieser Zyklen – jeder Zyklus hat seinen ganz eigenen Effekt auf unsere Leben und wie
Koji ciklus najviše utječe na tebe i tvoj život – menstrualni, Mjesečev ili Zemljin ciklus?
Svakog mjeseca doživljavamo prekrasne mogućnosti i energije koje se stvaraju ispreplitanjem triju energetskih ciklusa – menstrualnog, Mjesečevog i Zemljinog ciklusa godišnjih doba. Mi žene nismo stvorenja samo jednog od tih ciklusa – svaki od njih ima vlastiti učinak na naše živote i kako izražavamo svoj osjećaj o sebi. Energetsko središte