Red Moon Workshop Teacher – Larissa Lamas
Larissa Lamas (Lari Ahmyo) is a women’s circle facilitator, writer, translator, mother, woman and eternal apprentice of the four-godesses within her (and of all of the others too!) She currently lives in Casa Branca, a haven in nature close to Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Women’s circles focaliser, creator of Ventre Consciente, a cauldron of different courses, initiatives and deep transformative experiences with the aim of restoring/recovering the sacred memory that every women carries in her womb and to raise CONSCIOUSNESS of the Natural Cycle of Women.
Designer of the courses Mandala Menstrual, (Menstrual Mandala), Vulnerabilidade é Poder, (Vulnerability is Power) and of the Projeto Crisálida – De menina florindo à mulher e dos Círculos da Irmandade. (Chrysalis Project – From flowering girl to women) and Círculos da Irmandade (Sisterhood Circles).
Brazilian Womb Blessing Coordinator since the beginning, and Miranda Gray’s interpreter, Larissa translated into Portuguese Miranda’s books Discovering the Goddesses Within and Red Moon.