Full Moon Meditation

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An invitation…

We invite you to join us in a Worldwide Full Moon Meditation on the Full Moons during the year.

In the white light of the Full Moon lies all the colours of the rainbow softened by the feminine. In the Full Moon Meditation, we breathe in specific colours or Moon Rays into our womb energy centre to bring healing, and support and balance to our wombs, our female energies, to our cycles and to our changes in life.

At each Full Moon we have the opportunity to receive a beautiful, gentle and enfolding gift of female energy that supports our femininity. It is available for all who resonate with the meditation whatever their physical condition or age. And it also supports our awakening and transformations as we walk the annual path of Worldwide Womb Blessings.

You may feel called to do these Full Moon meditations on your own, with family and friends or in a group. There is no need to register to take part.

I hope you will enjoy these Moon Rays and know that when we change the vibration of our womb, then the wombs of other women also change because all our wombs are connected. We walk this path not just for ourselves but for others as well.

Love and hugs

Miranda x

Full Moon Meditation dates:

2024January 25th
Worldwide Womb BlessingFebruary 24th Worldwide Womb Blessing
March 25th
April 23rd
Worldwide Womb Blessing May 23rd Worldwide Womb Blessing
June 21st
July 21st
Worldwide Womb Blessing August 19th Worldwide Womb Blessing
September 17th
Worldwide Womb Blessing October 17th Worldwide Womb Blessing
November 15th
Worldwide Womb Blessing December 15th Worldwide Womb Blessing
(for Moon Mothers only)

How to participate

Download the Full Moon Meditation document here:How To – Full Moon Meditation


The January 2024 Moon Rays: Lilac

This month the Full Moon bathes us in her Lilac Ray, merging together the Rays of Blue and Pink. The Lilac Ray can help to re-awaken our innocence and open our eyes to the wonder and magic and spirit of the world. The Pink Ray helps us to once again feel the childlike joy of life, and the Blue Ray brings us the protective space to express this joy.

For Cyclic women: This Ray can help us to feel joy and wonder at the magic that lies in each phase of our cycles. 
For Menopause women: This Ray can help us to become free to be who we are beyond the responsibilities of adulthood and to welcome our path ahead with wonder and curiosity.

The March 2024 Moon Rays: Blue and White

For all women: The gentle embrace of the White and Blue Rays envelops us with tender beauty. The Blue Ray cradles us and can bring a sense of serenity as we pass through the transitions of life. The White Ray gifts us all the colours of the rainbow aspects of the Sacred Feminine. With the support of the Blue Ray our hearts open wide, allowing the healing White Light of the Sacred Feminine to pour in and nurture our spirits.
For Cyclic women: This Ray can help us to open to each phase of our cycle and fill deeply with the light of each Archetype.
For Menopause women: This Ray can help us to smile with gentle acceptance at the beauty of our path and to be at peace with our many changes.

The April 2024 Moon Rays: Golden White Ray

For all women: The sparkling Gold-White Ray bathes us in a serene stillness, creating a sacred pause in the hustle of our lives that connects us to the wellspring of life. Within the light we can rediscover the enchantment of life and, within the quiet depths, realize that our dreams are but a soft and silent breath away. The Golden White Ray reminds us of our loving connection to the Source, and of the magic within that waits to be acknowledged and embraced

For Cyclic Women: This Ray helps us to feel the stillness that lies beneath the waves of energy that flow around our cycles.
For Menopause women: This Ray can help us to discover the higher spiritual purpose of menopause and welcome the magic it brings.

The June 2024 Moon Rays: Golden Yellow Ray

For all women: This month, the radiant embrace of the Golden Yellow Ray can gently awaken our inner strength and encourage us to embrace our innate female power. With compassion and empathy as our guides, the Golden Yellow Ray inspires us to express this newfound power into the world. As the Ray flows over us, we become more aware of the beautiful purpose that inspires us to navigate the world as women with grace and purpose.

For Cyclic Women: This Ray can help to dissolve the blocks we hide behind in each phase and help us to feel empowered as Cyclic Women and to own our femininity.
For Menopause women: This Ray can help us to break through the negative images of menopause to feel our inner beauty and power, and to walk our path with graceful strength.